Enjoy full movie "Hindi + Telugu" released on 2016-01-01 in India with duration 149 minutes. Enjoy high quality streaming and download options in Tamil Yogi, your premier choice for Tamil movies. For the latest Tamil movie releases, visit TamilRockers and KuttyMovies. Watch and enjoy "Hindi + Telugu" on TamilYogi, Here you you can access a wide selection of Tamil movies for free. Stay tuned for more updates and new releases!
A young man and woman are Facebook friends, they don’t know each other but continue to be in touch. They both fall in love not knowing they are the same friends on FB with fictitious identity. Somewhere along the line, the man comes to know the woman he loves is the same person who is his best friend on FB, yet he refrains from revealing his identity. Why he does that drives the entire plot to its finale.
(Source: TMDB)