Enjoy full movie "Udanpaal (Tamil)" released on 2022-12-30 in India with duration 113 minutes. Enjoy high quality streaming and download options in Tamil Yogi, your premier choice for Tamil movies. For the latest Tamil movie releases, visit TamilRockers and KuttyMovies. Watch and enjoy "Udanpaal (Tamil)" on TamilYogi, Here you you can access a wide selection of Tamil movies for free. Stay tuned for more updates and new releases!
Paraman and his sister Kanmani, who are in dire financial straits, angrily refuse to advise their father Vinayakam to sell their house. When the news comes that Vinayakam has died in an unexpected tragedy, even in that grief-stricken state, the family gets greedy for the compensation that the government is going to provide. But fate twists again as the situation becomes funny yet tragic all at once.